SDC_0004.ZIP 425,873 03-15-95 SDC presents *MTM* files: Frequency -Fortunato in 16 Channel *MTM* format.
SDC_0005.ZIP 209,769 03-15-95 SDC presents *MTM* files: Indie Punk -Sybaris in 15 Channel *MTM* format.
SDC_0006.ZIP 506,642 03-15-95 SDC presents *MTM* files: The MidnightBreed - Fortunato in 18 Channel *MTM*format.
SE_UFOS.ZIP 217,045 01-18-95 MOD: UFOs Are Coming! Extended Module (XM)samples.
SLW_XP.ZIP 52,072 02-07-95 Slow E-Xperiment by PILL-E.
SOUL4.ZIP 301,736 02-28-95 Soulless mix (S3M)
SPEEDRLZ.ZIP 53,275 02-04-95 MOD: Speed Rules by Moby.
SVOXI.ZIP 421,478 01-29-95 SensuVoX 2.00 <ASP> Collection of WAV filesfrom several different vocalists designedto give your PC a "Sensual Voice". Thisfile contains a sampling of 20 WAVs from 4different vocalists, the completecollection has ove
TEMPWAV.ZIP 29,808 01-19-95 Temp Waves is a collection of 12 unusualWAV sound files.
TR_VULCA.ZIP 56,224 03-06-95 TR-Vulca (S3M)
TWILGHT2.ZIP 229,311 02-04-95 MOD: Twilight Peaks by CatchMan.
T_HOUSE.ZIP 180,508 01-15-95 T-House (.XM).
V_GUARD.ZIP 128,752 01-28-95 "Guardian of Souls" (S3M) Good mix ofPiano, Bass and Strings.
V_MCKING.ZIP 144,775 01-28-95 King of the Mice by RuffKut. (S3M)
WALTHIUS.ZIP 257,955 02-27-95 Walthius - Collection of ten MIDI pieces by"Keyboard Wizard" Micheal Walthius.
WHY_DONT.ZIP 536,850 01-24-95 Why Dont U Walk Away by Chanel 5Jeskola!(S3M)